The STEM Transfer & Community Liaison Engagement Council works collaboratively to ensure relevance of major coursework design, alignment for course articulation, and Project S:AIL in STEM outcomes, complemented by strong experiential and work based learning experiences. The Council will strengthen industry partnerships leading to expanded accessibility to paid STEM workforce preparation, increase access to transfer to four-year universities, and practical innovation in regional industry.


Objectives and Performance Outcomes:

Objective 1.c: Organize annual meetings of regional STEM Transfer & Community Engagement Liaison Council to strengthen program design.

Objective 1.c Performance Outcomes:

  • 1.c.i: Increase CSU transfers by 20%. Maintain Hispanic student representation at 63% of CSU transfers.
  • 1.c.ii: Increase UC transfers by 35%. Close Hispanic student UC transfer gap from 49% of awards to 60% of awards.
  • 1.c.iii: Increase STEM transfer rates: 2-year rate from 9.1% to 12%, 3-year rate from 17.5% to 22%, and 6-year rate from 30.5% to 40%.

The council will convene, regionally, to present curriculum, outcomes, program data, and collect feedback and input on major and course offerings. Additionally, the council will strengthen connections for work-based and experiential learning opportunities.