The University Transfer Center is a place where students receive information and counseling services to learn how to prepare and apply to gain admission to a university or college in California or out-of-state.
By using the University Transfer Center services, you will learn:
How to explore and identify transfer options.
How to prepare to transfer to a four-year college or university.
How to complete the transfer admissions process.
Important note to all students:
The final responsibility for a successful transfer program rests with the student.
This information changes frequently and can impact your admission to the university.
It is highly advised that you meet periodically with counselors at Ventura College AND advisors at the prospective university to confirm your choice of classes and educational plan.
University Transfer Center Services - Take advantage of our broad range of services
Transfer Counseling Services - Schedule an appointment with a counselor to discuss transfer universities/colleges options and develop an educational plan
Workshops - Admission Application Workshops for the UC, CSU, Independent and Out-of-State
University Representative Appointments - Schedule an appointment and meet with an University and college representatives to discuss options, major, et
Guaranteed transfer admission programs
Workshops for specific majors
The following are a list of services that are available at the University Transfer Center or on this website:
- University Representatives - The Transfer Center schedules individual student appointments with representatives from different campuses each semester.
- Workshops - The Transfer Center conducts workshops on how to earn admission to the University of California (UC), California State University (CSU), private and out-of-state universities and colleges.
- University/College Fair - The annual fair is held in November each Fall semester. It gives students an opportunity to meet with representatives from many colleges and universities.
- Calendar of Events - An online calendar of current and future events related to the Transfer Center.
- Computers - The Transfer Center provides a number of computers dedicated for student use with Internet access for transfer research, including grants and scholarships, college and educational research.
- Transfer Admission Guarantees - A contract of understanding between Ventura College and participating four-year universities, which guarantee the student admissions upon completion of the conditions of the agreement