Guaranteed Admission is more commonly referred to as a Transfer Admission Guarantee (TAG) program. A TAG is a contractual agreement between you, Ventura College and a four-year college or university. Students who meet and maintain stated admission and major requirements are guaranteed admission to a specific four-year college or university.
Ventura College has Transfer Admission Guarantee (TAG) agreements with several universities. Requirements to fulfill the guarantee vary by campus and not all majors will accept a TAG. Please consult with a counselor to review the specific details and make sure you are satisfying the requirements.
UC Transfer Admissions Guarantee (TAG)
Students participating in TAG, will receive early review of their academic records, receive early admission notification and specific guidance about major preparation and general education coursework.
Keep in mind: TAG applications are due Sept. 30, but students can only apply for a TAG at one campus. To keep your options open, apply to other UC campuses during the regular application cycle (Nov. 1-30). Students are also able to use the UC Transfer Admission Planner to track their progress in meeting UC's minimum requirements.
- Only students transferring directly from a California community college (CCC) are considered for a TAG, including international students (those with a visa).
- A CCC transfer student is one who has completed at least 30 semester (45 quarter) UC-transferable units at one or more California community colleges, and the last college the student attended in a regular session (fall/spring or fall/winter/spring) before admission to a UC campus is a California community college. All UC campuses that offer TAGs require students to meet this definition.
- *** Students who have already earned a bachelor’s degree, graduate degree, and/or professional degree cannot receive a TAG. Students who have previously enrolled at a UC campus during a regular term (not including summer session) cannot submit a TAG application to return to that campus. Students concurrently enrolled in high school are not eligible for TAG. ***
- For more information on campus-specific requirements to qualify, please speak to a counselor and refer to the UC TAG Matrix.
Use the UC Transfer Admission Planner to complete the TAG application, and review it with your community college counselor and/or UC Campus TAG adviser. You'll need to submit it Sept. 1-30.
You’ll find out if your TAG is approved in November. If it is, fulfill all remaining coursework and GPA requirements in your TAG agreement.
Fill out the application for admission to UC and submit it Nov. 1–30.
California State University (CSU)
The California Community Colleges and partnering institutions created this transfer program to make it easier for students like you to start at a community college, transfer to a guaranteed saved spot at a participating four-year university and earn a bachelor’s degree.
The Associate Degree for Transfer helps you find the path that’s right for you. Choose a degree and find the colleges near you to view your options. Then, visit your community college counseling office to learn more about how this program can help you get to your career goals in the quickest and most affordable way possible. Then, visit a community college counselor to learn more about how this program can help you get to your career goals in the quickest and most affordable way possible.
In most cases, if you complete 60 semester units (90 quarter units) of general education and
-specific coursework at a community college and maintain a 2.0 GPA or higher, you will transfer to a guaranteed saved spot at a participating four-year university with junior standing. The Associate Degree for Transfer also provides you with eligibility advantages compared to other transfer students.
You can then earn your bachelor’s degree with, in most cases, an additional 60 semester units (90 quarter units). Admission will depend on your course of study and the impaction status of the campus. Each university guarantee is different in their eligibility requirements, so it helps to know what you want to study before you begin planning. For example, at a CSU, students are guaranteed admission into the CSU system in a similar major but not necessarily to a particular campus; at Historically Black Colleges and Universities, Western Governors University and the participating independent, non-profit universities in California, students are guaranteed admission into the exact campus they apply to and to the major they want to pursue.* To learn more about each of these partner institutions and participating universities, visit the List of Colleges page.
*Please note: Since the agreement between the California Community Colleges and UC system was recently signed and does not take effect until fall 2019, the specific requirements are currently being defined and will be added to this website once approved.
Since launching in 2012, the Associate Degree for Transfer program has paved the way for tens of thousands, making it the most popular and streamlined pathway for California community college students to earn their bachelor’s degree.
STEP 1: Start at a California Community College
Students working toward an Associate Degree for Transfer must complete 60 semester units (90 quarter units) of required general education and major-specific lower division coursework. To be as competitive as possible, keep your grades up and make sure you meet the admission requirements for the university and major that interest you, and submit all application materials by the posted deadlines.
STEP 2: Transfer to Your Saved Spot
With your Associate Degree for Transfer, you are guaranteed admission to a saved spot into a participating four-year university. This degree guarantees admission into the CSU system in a similar major but not necessarily to a particular campus. If you’re applying to Historically Black Colleges and Universities, Western Governors University and participating independent, non-profit universities in California, you are guaranteed admission into the exact campus you applied to and the major you want to pursue.*
STEP 3: Earn Your Degree and Start Your Dream Future
When you transfer, you’ll start at your university with junior standing. If you are admitted to a major similar to that of your Associate Degree for Transfer, in most cases, you will only need to complete 60 additional semester units (90 quarter units) to earn a bachelor’s degree. You will not be required to repeat courses that are similar to those completed at the community college. To stay on schedule, make sure you remain enrolled at your campus, pass all of your classes with the highest grades possible and follow your educational plan.
There are more than 40 Associate Degree for Transfer majors offered in a wide variety of fields of study throughout the California Community Colleges system. Use this link to explore the majors and transfer pathways available to participating four-year universities.
To find community colleges that offer an Associate Degree for Transfer in the field you want to study, select your major of interest, community college, participating university and don't forget to click submit.
Independent (Private) California Universities/Colleges
Cal Lutheran offers guaranteed admission for Ventura College students if they have an ADT and meet the minimum transfer admission requirements listed below:
• Completion of freshman English (ENGL V01A) with a grade of "C" or better
• Completion of a college level math course required, but for admission purposes, we will require successful completion of intermediate algebra as it is the prerequisite for all college level math courses. No credit will be given for intermediate algebra as it is not a transferable course. College level math courses include statistics, college algebra, finite math, pre-calculus, calculus, etc.
• Completion of 30 transferable units (if you have less than 30 units, your final high school transcripts and SAT/ACT scores will be required for the admission process).
• A minimum 2.75 transferable GPA
- Student must be admitted to one of six University of California (UC) campuses:
- University of California, Los Angeles (UCLA)
- University of California, Santa Barbara (UCSB)
- University of California, Berkeley (UC Berkeley)
- University of California, Davis (UC Davis)
- University of California, San Diego (UCSD)
- University of California, Irvine (UCI)
- Admitted students to one of the six UC campuses must show their acceptance email or letter to California Lutheran University for guarantee admissions and Public Price Promise.
- Application fee waiver
- $1,000 TAG scholarship in addition to financial aid and other merit scholarships
- Guaranteed admission for students transferring with the following:
- Completion of 28 transferable semester units
- Minimum 2.7 cumulative GPA
- Completion of college-level English
- Guaranteed admission for students that have completed an associate degree and/or AA-T/AS-T within 12 months of applying to NU. The ADT will fulfill all lower-division general education and major prep requirements.
- Guaranteed scholarship for students that have completed a transferable associate degree, and/or AA-T/AS-T within 12 months of applying and enroll in a major deemed similar at NU.
- Other transfer and merit scholarships available for students that do not have transferable associate degree and/or AA-T/AS-T.
Bachelor of Science in Management
The Bachelor of Science in Management (BSM) degree completion program is designed for working professionals. Complete your BSM faster and realize a greater return on your investment sooner:
- Benefit from scholarship opportunities that cover up to 30% of your tuition.
- Earn your MBA in only one year with your Pepperdine BSM degree.
Your TAG Options
Prospective students must meet all three requirements to be considered for TAG:
- GPA of 2.8 or higher
- At least two years of professional work experience
- Qualifying 60 units of coursework:
- 60 transferable semester units. Half of these semester units require a grade of "C" or better in the following subject areas:
- 3 semester units of English Composition
- 3 semester units of College Algebra
- 3 semester units of Physical Science or Biology
- 6 semester units of Humanities and Fine Arts 6 semester units of Social Science
- 9 semester units of additional General Education
- 30 total units
- Complete the Intersegmental General Education Transfer Curriculum (IGETC), or the California State University General Education (CSU GE) transfer requirements.
- Complete a standard associate's degree. Classes must include three semesters minimum of Algebra or higher, and three semesters of English Composition. Please note, your grade must be a C or better.
Transfer Guarantee to Historically Black Colleges & Universities (HBCU)
California community college students who complete certain academic requirements are guaranteed transfer to a participating HBCU.
Historically Black Colleges and Universities (HBCUs) have an excellent academic track record. While only about 17 percent of black undergraduate students attend an HBCU, more than 28 percent of African-Americans who receive a bachelor’s degrees obtain them from an HBCU. These colleges and universities are also leading institutions in awarding degrees to African-American students in the life sciences, physical sciences, mathematics and engineering programs.
Thanks to an agreement signed March 17, 2015 between the California Community Colleges and several HBCUs, California community college students who complete certain academic requirements are guaranteed transfer to a participating HBCU.
The objective of the California Community Colleges Historically Black Colleges and Universities (HBCUs) Transfer Program is the development of Transfer Guarantee Agreements that will facilitate a smooth transition for students from all of the California Community Colleges to partnered HBCUs. These agreements will simplify the transfer process and reduce students’ need to take unnecessary courses, thereby shortening the time to degree completion with a cost savings.
Pick 1 of 2 Routes
Route A
- 60 Units
- 2.5 GPA
- Complete IGETC or CSU GE
- Earn an Associates Degree
* Ensures student enters at jr. level and major courses will count towards major.
Route B
- 30 Units or More
- 2.5 GPA
* Units will be placed where the institution sees fit. It is at the discretion of the institution.
Once you have met 1 of 2 routes, you must meet with a counselor to:
- Get approved for TAG.
- Complete the Common Black College Application, Common Application, or the University Website to apply.
- See the list below to find out which application you should use.
- Send all your college transcripts immediately!
If you use the Common Black College Application:
- The application takes approximately 20 minutes to complete.
- You do not have to enter most high school information including SAT/ACT scores.
- Your high school GPA will not be used to determine our admissions.
If you use the Common Black College Application:
- The application takes approximately 20 minutes to complete.
- You do not have to enter most high school information including SAT/ACT scores.
- Your high school GPA will not be used to determine our admissions.
- If you graduated HS after 1990, select 1990 as your graduation year.
- If you attended more than one community college, list your most recent school.
- You do not have to enter your transcript information because you will mail them in.
Common Black College Application
Average Cost of Fees and Tuition: $13,500
Privates don’t have out-of-state tuition
Some public schools offer in-state tuition
Alabama State University
Alabama State University is located in Montgomery, Alabama. It is a public nonprofit, coeducational university founded in 1867 by nine freed slaves known as the Marlon Nine. Alabama State University offers nearly 50 undergraduate and graduate degrees within its nine colleges including education degrees and certificates, a theatre program as well as forensic science and nanobiotechnology. Undergraduate enrollment at Alabama State University is 4,764.
Mission Statement:
Alabama State University is a comprehensive diverse student- centered public HBCU committed to global excellence in teaching, research and service.
The University fulfills its mission by: fostering critical thought, encouraging artistic creativity, developing professional competence, promoting responsible citizenship in its students, adding to the academic and experiential bodies of knowledge, enhancing the quality of life through research and discovery, and cultivating global citizenship through thoughtful (meaningful, purposeful conscientious, intentional) and engaging public service.
“Opportunity is Here.”
Randall Massey
District Recruiter & Transfer Specialist
Alcorn State University
Alcorn State University is located in Lorman, Mississippi. It is a public, nonprofit, coeducational university founded in 1871. Alcorn State University offers nearly 50 undergraduate degrees within its five departments: Agriculture and Applied Sciences, Arts and Sciences, Business, Education and Psychology, and Nursing. Undergraduate enrollment at Alcorn State University is 2,911.
Mission Statement:
Alcorn State University, a Historically Black College and University, is a comprehensive land-grant institution that celebrates a rich heritage with a diverse student and faculty population. The University emphasizes intellectual development and lifelong learning through the integration of diverse pedagogies, applied and basic research, cultural and professional programs, public service and outreach, while providing access to globally competitive academic and research programs. Alcorn strives to prepare graduates to be well-rounded future leaders of high character and to be successful in the global marketplace of the 21st century.
“Where Knowledge and Character Matter”
Mrs. Katangelia Tenner
Director for Admissions
Arkansas Baptist College
Arkansas Baptist College is a small, private, coeducational institution located in Little Rock, Arkansas. It was founded in 1884 by the Colored Baptists of Arkansas and continues to be supported by the Consolidated Missionary Baptist State Convention. Arkansas Baptist College offers degrees in business administration, human services, criminal justice and religious studies. Undergraduate enrollment at Arkansas Baptist College is 990.
Mission Statement:
Arkansas Baptist College prepares students for a life of service grounded in academic scholarship, the liberal arts tradition, social responsibility, Christian development and preparation for employment in a global community.
“Growing Hope”
James Burrell
Director of Admissions
Benedict College
Founded in 1870, Benedict College is a private, co-educational liberal arts institution and currently has over 2,100 students enrolled in its 33 baccalaureate degree programs. Benedict College was ranked for the eight consecutive years (2010 thru 2017) as one of the top baccalaureate colleges in the nation by Washington Monthly for creating social mobility among low-income students, producing cutting edge scholarship and research. Benedict has been recognized by the National Civic Engagement Award from The Washington Center for encouraging students to give back to the community which is the heart of the College’s vision and mission. Benedict College has earned four President’s Higher Education Community Service Honor Roll Awards from the Corporation for National and Community Service (CNCS), a federal agency charged with improving lives, strengthening communities, and fostering civic engagement through service and volunteering. CNCS is responsible for leading President Barack Obama’s national call to service initiative. President Obama personally thanked Benedict College for its commitment to volunteerism during a nationally televised White House Town Hall Meeting held on Benedict’s campus on March 6, 2015
Mission Statement:
Benedict College will be a power for good in society. We will be a full opportunity college with high-quality programs of teaching, research, and public service. These programs will provide our students and community with the knowledge, skills, understandings, and values required to empower them to create a better world. We seek geographic, international, and racial diversity in our student body while continuing to facilitate the empowerment, enhancement, and full participation of African Americans in a global society and to maintain our historic affiliation with the Baptist Church.
“A Power for Good in Society. ”
Mrs. Keisha Montgomery
Director of Admissions and Recruitment
Bennett College
Bennett College is a small, private (nonprofit), liberal arts college for women located in Greensboro, N.C. It is a United Methodist Church-affiliated college that was founded in 1873. Academic programs at Bennett College consist of three divisions: the Division of Humanities, the Division of Social Sciences and Education, and the Division of Natural and Behavioral Sciences/Mathematics. Bennett College has an enrollment of 780 women.
Mission Statement:
Bennett College is committed to focusing on the intellectual, spiritual, and cultural growth of young women.
“Educate, Celebrate. Oasis”
Jasmine Faison
Admissions Counselor/Recruiter
Bethune-Cookman University
Bethune-Cookman University is a private, coeducational institution located in Daytona Beach, FL. Founded in 1872, it is affiliated with the United Methodist Church. Bethune-Cookman University offers 39 undergraduate degrees and six master’s degrees. Programs include Business and Entrepreneurship, Education, Health Sciences, Hospitality Management, Liberal Arts, Nursing, Performing Arts and Communication, and Religion. Enrollment at Bethune-Cookman University is 3,578 students.
Mission Statement:
The Bethune-Cookman University mission is to serve in the Christian tradition the diverse educational, social and cultural needs of its students and to develop in them the desire and capacity for continuous intellectual and professional growth, leadership and service to others. The University has deep roots in the history of America and continues to provide services to the broader community through a focus on sservice-learningand civic engagement.
“Enter to learn. Depart to serve.”
Carol Brown
Transfer Student Services Coordinator
Bowie State University
Bowie State University is a public, coeducational institution located in Bowie, Maryland established in 1865. Bowie State University offers 22 undergraduate majors within its four colleges: Arts and Sciences, Business, Education, and Professional Studies. Undergraduate enrollment at Bowie State University is 4,315.
Mission Statement:
Bowie State University empowers a diverse population of students from Maryland, the nation, and the world to reach their full potential through its high-quality, liberal-arts-based bachelor’s, master’s, and doctoral programs. The University provides a nurturing environment distinguished by a culture of success that supports students in completing their course of study. As Maryland’s first historically black university, Bowie State inspires and prepares ethical and socially responsible leaders who can think critically, discover knowledge, commit to lifelong learning, value diversity, and function effectively in a highly technical and dynamic global community.
“Prepare For Life.”
Lawrence Webb
Admissions Counselor
Central State University
Central State University is located in Wilberforce, Ohio. It is a nonprofit university founded in 1887. Central State University has four divisions: Business; Education; Humanities, Art and Social Science; and Engineering and Science. Enrollment at Central State University is 2,244 students.
Mission Statement:
The mission of the Division of Institutional Advancement at Central State University focuses on shaping the future of the University and its students by providing leadership, expertise and support in the areas of fundraising, development and donor relations.
“Change is Central”
Amanda McCombs
Enrollment Specialist
Claflin University
Claflin University is a private, coeducational, liberal arts institution located in Orangeburg, South Carolina. Founded in 1869, it is affiliated with the United Methodist Church. Claflin University offers 35 majors within its four academic schools: Business, Education, Humanities and Social Sciences, and Natural Sciences and Mathematics. Undergraduate enrollment at Claflin University is 1,851.
Mission Statement:
Claflin University is a comprehensive institution of higher education affiliated with the United Methodist Church. A historically black University founded in 1869, Claflin is committed to providing students with access to exemplary educational opportunities in its undergraduate, graduate and continuing education programs. Claflin is dedicated to providing a student-centered, liberal arts education grounded in cutting-edge research, experiential learning, state-of-the art technology, community service, and life-long personal and professional fulfillment. Claflin is a diverse and inclusive community of students, faculty, staff and administrators who work to cultivate practical wisdom, judgment, knowledge, skills and character needed for globally engaged citizenship and effective leadership.
“The World Needs Visionaries.”
Ebony Douglas
Transfer Admissions Counselor/Recruiter
Clark-Atlanta University
Clark Atlanta University is a private, coeducational institution located in Atlanta, GA. Founded in 1988, it is affiliated with the United Methodist Church. Clark Atlanta University has four divisions: Business Administration, Social Work, Education, and Arts and Sciences. Enrollment at Clark Atlanta University is 3,485 students.
Mission Statement:
The mission of Clark Atlanta University is to provide the highest quality of education and training for a student body which is predominantly African American but which is becoming increasingly diversified by students from other racial, ethnic, cultural and socioeconomic backgrounds. This mission commits the institution to the shaping of graduates who are productive, creative, socially and economically responsible citizens in a dynamic global society and who are themselves committed to the search for solutions to the problems of racism, sexism, age discrimination, economic deprivation and other forms of oppression. The three functions of the University – teaching, research and service – are all to focus strongly on the attainment of a society – American, Third World and global – which is responsive to human needs of all of its citizens.
“I’ll Find a Way or Make One”
Mr. Andra Brantley
Senior Assistant Director, Transfer Student Services
Dillard University
Dillard University is a private (nonprofit) coeducational institution located in New Orleans, La. It is a United Methodist Church affiliated institution that was founded in 1869. Dillard University consists of six academic divisions: Division of Business; Division of Education Psychology; Division of Humanities; Division of Natural Sciences and Public Health; Division of Nursing; and Division of Social Sciences. Enrollment at Dillard is 1,183 students.
Mission Statement:
True to its heritage, Dillard University’s mission is to produce graduates who excel, become world leaders, and are broadly educated, culturally aware, and concerned with improving the human condition. Through a highly personalized and learning-centered approach, Dillard’s students are able to meet the competitive demands of a diverse, global and technologically advanced society.
“Ex Fide Fortis” (Out of Faith, Strength)
De’Idra Richard
Diversity Outreach Counselor
Edward Waters College
Edward Waters College is a small, private, coeducational institution located in Jacksonville, FL. Established in 1866, it is affiliated with the African Methodist Episcopal Church. Edward Waters College has nine divisions including Biology, Business Administration, Communications, Criminal Justice, Elementary Education, Mathematics, Music, Social Sciences and Behavioral Studies, and a dual enrollment program. Enrollment at Edward Waters College is 769 students.
Mission Statement:
Edward Waters College is a small, private, Christian, Historically Black, Urban, Liberal Arts College that offers quality baccalaureate degree programs. The College strives to prepare students holistically to advance in a global society through the provision of intellectually stimulating programs and an environment which emphasizes high moral and spiritual values in keeping with the African Methodist Episcopal Church. Edward Waters College seeks to develop excellence in scholarship, research and service for the betterment of humanity.
“Academic, Spiritual, Physical”
Ricky Glover
Assistant Director of Admissions
Fisk University
Fisk University is a private (nonprofit) Institution located in Nashville, Tenn. Fisk was founded in 1866 and is affiliated with the Church of Christ. Fisk University offers degrees in art, biology, business administration, chemistry, computer science, English history, mathematics, music, nursing, physics, political science, psychology, sociology, Spanish and special education. Student enrollment at Fisk stands at 611 students.
Mission Statement:
Fisk University produces graduates from diverse backgrounds with the integrity and intellect required for substantive contributions to society. Our curriculum is grounded in the liberal arts and our faculty and administrators emphasize the discovery and advancement of knowledge through research in the natural and social sciences, business and the humanities. We are committed to the success of scholars and leaders with a global perspective.
“Her Sons and Daughters Ever on the Altar”
Shawneis Jones
Admissions Counselor
Florida Memorial University
Florida Memorial University is a small, private, coeducational institution located in Miami Gardens, FL. Founded in 1879, it is affiliated with the Baptist Church. Florida Memorial University has three divisions: Business, Arts and Sciences, and Education. Enrollment at Florida Memorial University is 1,891 students.
Mission Statement:
The mission of Florida Memorial University is to instill in our students the values of leadership, character and service to enhance their lives and the lives of others on our campus, in our community and in the world through a transformational, liberal arts education.
“Leadership, Character and Service”
Courtenay McClain
Dir. Of Admissions
Fort Valley State University
Fort Valley State University is a public, coeducational institution located in Fort Valley, Georgia. It was founded in 1895. Fort Valley State University has three colleges: Arts and Sciences, Education, and Agriculture. Undergraduate enrollment at Fort Valley State University is 2,267.
Mission Statement:
The mission of Fort Valley State University is to advance the cause of education with emphasis upon fulfilling commitments that our community members have undertaken collectively. As an institution of the University System of Georgia, Fort Valley State University naturally embraces the principles articulated by the Core Mission Statement for State Universities as approved by the Board of Regents of the University System of Georgia. The university’s primary commitments include, among others, enhancement of teacher training programs grounded upon a liberal arts foundation, as reflective of over 110 years of experience and tradition. Additionally, the university recognizes with great pride and desires to further its responsibilities as Georgia’s only 1890 Land Grant institution by offering programming excellence in agriculture, agribusiness, family and consumer sciences, extension, technology and military science and leadership, as well as to further its traditions of excellence in programs in the liberal arts and humanities, social sciences, and natural and physical sciences.
“Be Bold. Be Amazing. Be Prepared.”
Dennis Gillaird
Assistant Director of Recruitment & Operations
Grambling State University
Grambling State University a public, coeducational institution located in Grambling, LA. It opened in 1901, founded by the North Louisiana Colored Agriculture Relief Association, organized in 1896 by a group of African-American farmers who wanted to organize and operate a school for African Americans. Grambling State University has three divisions: Arts and Sciences, Business and Education. Enrollment at Grambling State University is 4,553.
Mission Statement:
Grambling State University is a comprehensive, historically black, public institution that offers a broad spectrum of undergraduate and graduate programs of study. Through its undergraduate major courses of study, which are undergirded by a traditional liberal arts program, and through its graduate school, which has a decidedly professional focus, the University embraces its founding principle of educational opportunity.
“Where Everybody is Somebody”
Kenneth “Jemal” Ruffin
Assistant Director – Head Recruiter
Gilberto “GIL” Alvarado
Director of Admissions
318-274-2432 – office
704-213-3129 – mobile
Hampton University
Hampton University is a dynamic, progressive institution of higher education, providing a broad range of technical, liberal arts, and graduate degree programs. In addition to being one of the top historically black universities in the world, Hampton University is a tight knit community of learners and educators, representing 49 states and thirty-five territories and nations. Hampton University is nestled along the banks of the Virginia Peninsula, near the mouth of the Chesapeake Bay. The surrounding city of Hampton features a wide array of business and industrial enterprises, retail and residential areas, historical sites, and miles of waterfront and beaches. Attractions such as Fort Monroe, NASA Langley Research Center, and the Virginia Air and Space Center add to the splendor – and just plain fun – of the HU campus.
Mission Statement:
Hampton University is a comprehensive institution of higher education, dedicated to the promotion of learning, building of character and preparation of promising students for positions of leadership and service. Its curriculum emphasis is scientific and professional with a strong liberal arts under girding. In carrying out its mission, the University requires that everything that it does be of the highest quality.
“The Standard of Excellence, An Education for Life”
Crystal Jones,
Asst. Director of Admissions
Harris-Stowe University
Harris-Stowe State University is a public, coeducational institution located in St. Louis, Missouri. It was founded in 1857 by the St. Louis Public School as a normal school and became one of the first public teacher education institutions west of the Mississippi River. Harris-Stowe State University offers a Bachelor of Science degree within its three colleges: Business, Arts & Sciences, and Education. Undergraduate enrollment at Harris-Stowe State University is 1,390.
Mission Statement:
Harris-Stowe State University’s primary mission, as set forth in Senate Bill 153, is to address the higher education needs of the metropolitan St. Louis region. Toward the fulfillment of this mandate, the University offers a solid General Education curriculum, which serves as the foundation for the University’s various baccalaureate* programs in three broad professional areas, including baccalaureate degree programs in business, education, and arts and sciences.
“Inspiring change.”
Lance Smith
Transfer Coordinator
Huston-Tillotson University
Huston-Tillotson University is a small institution affiliated with the United Methodist Church and the United Church of Christ. Huston-Tillotson University was established through the merger of two institutions, Samuel Huston College (founded in 1876) and Tillotson College founded in 1875. They merged in 1952 and became Huston-Tillotson College. The college officially became a university in 2005. The university offers a bachelor of arts and bachelor of science degrees from the College of Arts and Sciences and the College of Business and Technology. Enrollment at Huston-Tillotson is 975 students.
Mission Statement:
The mission of the University is to provide its increasingly diverse student body with an exemplary education that is grounded in the liberal arts and sciences, balanced with professional development, and directed to public service and leadership. The University prepares students with the integrity and civility to thrive in a diverse society, fosters spiritual development, preserves and promotes interest in the accomplishments and experiences of the University’s historic constituents and evolving population, and creates and sustains supportive relationships which advance the Huston-Tillotson University community.
“In Union, Strength”
Asia Haney
Interim Director of Admissions
Office of Admissions
Kentucky State University
Kentucky State University is a public, coeducational institution located in Frankfort, KY. It was founded in 1886. It has five divisions: Arts and Sciences, Business and Computer Science, Professional Studies, Liberal Studies and the Whitney Young School of Honors. Enrollment at Kentucky State University is 1,600 students.
Mission Statement:
Kentucky State University, building on its legacy of achievement as a historically black, liberal arts, and 1890 Land Grant University, affords access to and prepares a diverse student population of traditional and nontraditional students to compete in a multifaceted, ever changing global society by providing student-centered learning while integrating teaching, research and service through high-quality undergraduate and select graduate programs. Kentucky State University is committed to keeping relevant its legacy of service by proactively engaging the community in partnerships on civic projects driven by the objective of positively impacting the quality of life of the citizens of the commonwealth.
“Enter to Learn, Exit to Serve.”
Jennifer Williams
Director of BREDS Office for Enrollment & Scholarships
Lane College
Lane College is a private, coeducational institution located in Jackson, TN. Founded in 1882, it is affiliated with the Methodist Episcopal Church. It has three divisions: Liberal Studies and Education; Business and Social and Behavioral Science; and Natural and Physical Science and Math. Enrollment at Lane College is 1,262.
Mission Statement:
The College’s Mission is to develop the “whole student.” Academic excellence is the institution‘s top priority, and it is achieved through a student-centered and nurturing approach to learning supported by excellent teaching, teaching-related research, and service. The College believes that one’s intellectual capability coupled with social and spiritual growth is essential to the development of a well-rounded individual. In keeping with this mission, the College offers creative and enriching academic programs to prepare students for their chosen careers; and encourages active student engagement to cultivate life-long learning.
“Esse Non Videri” or “To be, not to seem”
Derrick Mays
Director of Admissions
Lincoln University of Missouri
Lincoln University is a public university located in Jefferson City, Mo. It was founded in 1866. Lincoln offers six undergraduate degrees in more than fifty programs of study with the most selected majors in the areas of nursing science, business administration, criminal justice, elementary education, environmental science and computer information systems. Student enrollment at Lincoln University is 3,159.
Mission Statement:
Lincoln University is a historically black, 1890 land-grant, public, comprehensive institution that provides excellent educational opportunities, including theoretical and applied learning experiences to a diverse population within a nurturing, student-centered environment.
“Laborare et Studere” (“To Labor and Study”)
Amanda Woods
Assistant Director
Dr. Sonja Jackson
Dir. of Recruitment
Lincoln University of Pennsylvania
Lincoln University is a private, coeducational institution located in Lincoln University, PA. It has four divisions: Arts, Humanities and Social Sciences; Professional; Science and Technology; and Graduate and Extended Studies. Enrollment at Lincoln University is 2,361 students.
Mission Statement:
Lincoln University is committed to maintaining a nurturing and stimulating environment for learning, teaching, research, creative expression and public service for a diverse student body, faculty and workforce. With a myriad of firsts to its credit and a tradition of producing world leaders, the University engages in programs that increase knowledge and global understanding. The University’s diverse student body and expert workforce foster a supportive environment for professional and personal growth and mutual respect.
“Educate, Celebrate. Oasis”
Kenyatta Austin
Transfer Counselor
484-365-7208 (office)
484-746-0831 (cell)
Mississippi Valley State University
Mississippi Valley State University is a public, coeducational institution located in Itta Bena, Mississippi. It was founded in 1950. Popular majors include Business Marketing, Education, Security and Protective Services, Parks and Recreation, and Public Administration and Social Services. Undergraduate enrollment at Mississippi State Valley University is 1,948.
Mission Statement:
Mississippi Valley State University, as a Carnegie Classified Master’s University, provides comprehensive undergraduate and graduate programs in education, the arts and sciences, and professional studies. The University is driven by its commitment to excellence in teaching, learning, service, and research–a commitment resulting in a learner-centered environment that prepares critical thinkers, exceptional communicators, and service-oriented, engaged, and productive citizens. MVSU is fundamentally committed to positively impacting the quality of life and creating extraordinary educational opportunities for the Mississippi Delta and beyond.
“Live for Service.”
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Danisha Williams,
Director of Admissions
North Carolina Central University
North Carolina Central University is a public, coeducational, institution located in Durham, North Carolina. It was founded in 1909. North Carolina Central University offers nearly 40 undergraduate degree programs. Top undergraduate degree programs include: Criminal Justice, Family and Consumer Science, and Business Administration. Undergraduate enrollment at North Carolina Central University is 6,285.
Mission Statement:
North Carolina Central University, with a strong tradition of teaching, research, and service, prepares students to become global leaders and practitioners who transform communities. Through a nationally recognized law school, highly acclaimed and innovative programs in visual and performing arts, sciences, business, humanities, and education programs, NCCU students are engaged problem solvers. Located in the Research Triangle, the University advances research in the biotechnological, biomedical, informational, computational, behavioral, social, and health sciences. Our students enhance the quality of life of citizens and the economic development of North Carolina, the nation, and the world.
“Truth and Service.”
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Denettia Shaw
Dir. Office of Transfer Services
Philander Smith College
Philander Smith College is a private (nonprofit) coeducational institution located in Little Rock, Ark. It was founded in 1877 and offers the Bachelor of Arts, Bachelor of Science, Bachelor of Business Administration and Bachelor of Social Work degrees. Student enrollment at Philander Smith College is 600.
Mission Statement:
Philander Smith College is committed to graduating academically accomplished students who are grounded as advocates for social justice, determined to intentionally change the world for the better.
“You Shall Know the Truth”
Philander Smith College Website
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Mr. Yohannis Job
Interim Director of Admissions & Recruitment & Special Assistant to the President
Shaw University
Shaw University is a private, coeducational, liberal arts institution affiliated with the Baptist Church. Shaw University was founded in 1865 and is located in Raleigh, North Carolina. Shaw University offers more than 30 academic programs within its six divisions: Business and Professional Studies, Communications and Humanities, Education and Social Work, Health and Human Sciences, Science and Technology, and Social Sciences. Undergraduate enrollment at Shaw University is 1,509.
Mission Statement:
Shaw University exists to advance knowledge, facilitate student learning and achievement, to enhance the spiritual and ethical values of its students, and to transform a diverse community of learners into future global leaders.
“Pro Christo Et Humanitate
(For Christ and Humanity) ”
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Ashley Conner
Assoc. Dir. Of Admissions & Recruitment
919-546-8357 office
919-822-4134 cell
Southern University at New Orleans
On September 21, 1959, SUNO opened its doors on a 17-acre site located in historic Pontchartrain Park, a subdivision of primarily African American single-family residents in eastern New Orleans. Established as an open community of learners, classes began with 158 freshmen, one building and a motivated faculty of 15. The University offered 10 courses in four academic disciplines: Humanities, Science, Social Science and Commerce. Today, SUNO serves as a beacon for those looking for educational advancement in an environment that provides the personal attention students need for success.
Mission Statement:
Southern University at New Orleans, a public, historically black university, empowers and promotes the upward mobility of diverse populations of traditional and nontraditional students through quality academic programs, teaching, research, and service to achieve excellence in higher education using various teaching and learning modalities.
Academic Programs
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Jacoby Tubbs
Admissions Director
L’Oréal Evans
Admis Counselor/Recruiter
Southern University and A&M College
Southern University and A&M College is a public, coeducational institution located in Baton Rouge, Louisiana. It was founded in 1890. Southern University offers over 30 undergraduate degree programs within six colleges: Agricultural, Family, and Consumer Sciences, Business, Nelson Mandela College of Government and Social Sciences, Humanities and Interdisciplinary Studies, Nursing and Allied Health, and Sciences and Engineering. Undergraduate enrollment at Southern University is 5,250.
Mission Statement:
The mission of Southern University and A&M College, an Historically Black, 1890 land-grant institution, is to provide opportunities for a diverse student population to achieve a high-quality, global educational experience, to engage in scholarly, research, and creative activities, and to give meaningful public service to the community, the state, the nation, and the world so that Southern University graduates are competent, informed, and productive citizens.
Not available
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Dr. Runell King, Dir. of Recruitment
Stillman College
Stillman College is a private (nonprofit) institution located in Tuscaloosa, Ala. It was founded in 1876 and is affiliated with the Presbyterian Church. Stillman consists of three academic divisions: Division of Arts and Sciences; Division of Business; and Division of Education. Student enrollment at Stillman College stands at 1,000 students.
Mission Statement:
Stillman College is committed to fostering academic excellence and providing high quality educational opportunities for diverse populations with disparate levels of academic preparation.
Stillman College Website
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Karyn Nooks
Atlanta Regional Recruiter
205-469-8757 – work
678-799-0188 – cell
Talladega College
Talladega College, established in 1867, is a private (nonprofit) United Church of Christ Affiliated institution located in Talladega, Ala. Talladega College has academic programs that consist of four divisions: Division of Business and Administration; Division of Humanities and Fine Arts; Division of Natural Sciences and Mathematics; and Division of Social Sciences and Education. Student enrollment at Talladega is 706.
Mission Statement:
Talladega College is committed to providing academic programs and experiences for students, that among other outcomes, produce graduates who think analytically and strategically, speak effectively and read critically, write with precision and clarity, exhibit competency in their academic discipline, and assume leadership roles in society.
“An Education of Distinction”
Talladega College Website
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Lon C. Weind
Office: 256-761-8879
Cell: 626-536-7837
Tennessee State University
Tennessee State University is a public, coeducational institution located in Nashville, Tennessee. It was founded in 1912. Tennessee State University offers almost 40 undergraduate degrees within eight divisions: Agriculture, human, and Natural Sciences, Business, Education, Engineering, Health Sciences, Liberal Arts, Life and Physical Sciences, and Public Service. Undergraduate enrollment at Tennessee State University is 7,264.
Mission Statement:
Tennessee State University, an Historically Black College/University (HBCU), fosters scholarly inquiry and research, lifelong learning, and a commitment to service.
“Think. Work. Serve.”
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Dr. Carjamin Scott
Dir. Admissions & Recruitment
Charles “Alan” Lancaster
Assis. Dir. Of Recruitment
Texas Southern University
Texas Southern University is a public, coeducational institution located in Houston, Texas. It was founded in 1927. Texas Southern University offers degrees within their seven divisions: Business, Public Affairs, Education, Science, Engineering and Technology, Liberal Arts and Behavioral Sciences, Pharmacy and Health Sciences, and Communication. Undergraduate enrollment at Texas Southern is 6,696.
Mission Statement:
Texas Southern University is a public, coeducational institution located in Houston, Texas. It was founded in 1927. Texas Southern University offers degrees within their seven divisions: Business, Public Affairs, Education, Science, Engineering and Technology, Liberal Arts and Behavioral Sciences, Pharmacy and Health Sciences, and Communication. Undergraduate enrollment at Texas Southern is 6,696. Texas Southern University is a student-centered comprehensive doctoral university committed to ensuring equality, offering innovative programs that are responsive to its urban setting, and transforming diverse students into lifelong learners, engaged citizens, and creative leaders in their local, national, and global communities.
“Excellence in Achievement”
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Christopher London
Transfer Admissions Coordinator
Tougaloo College
Tougaloo College is a private, non-profit coeducational institution located in Tougaloo, MS. It was founded in 1869 by the American Missionary Association. Tougaloo offers 29 majors such as Biology Education, Child Development, Economics, Psychology and Political Science. Enrollment at Tougaloo College is 918 students.
Mission Statement:
Tougaloo intends that its students become self-directed learners and self-reliant persons capable of dealing with people, challenges and issues. Tougaloo College intends to contribute to the social, health, and educational needs of the local and state communities through a program of community service.
“Where History meets the Future”
Tougaloo College Website
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Joel Swan
Enrollment Officer
Tuskegee University
Tuskegee University, a private (nonprofit) university, located in Tuskegee, Ala., was established in 1881. Tuskegee consists of five colleges: College of Agricultural, Environmental, and Natural Sciences; College of Business and Information Science; College of Engineering, Architecture, and Physical Sciences; College of Liberal Arts and Education; and College of Veterinary Medicine, Nursing and Allied Health. Enrollment at Tuskegee stands at 3,100 students.
Mission Statement:
Tuskegee University accomplishes its central purpose of developing leadership, knowledge and service through its undergraduate, graduate, professional, research and outreach programs. Through these programs, students are encouraged not only to pursue careers but to be of service to society and to remain active lifetime learners. The University seeks to instill a robust thirst for knowledge and a vibrant quest for wholesale patterns of personal and social ethics that have philosophical and spiritual depth. In the process, it seeks to help each student develop an appreciation for the finer traits of human personality, the beauty of the earth and the universe and a personal commitment to the improvement of the human condition.
“Scientia Principatus Opera” (“Knowledge, Leadership, Service”)
Tuskegee University Website
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Jessica Hudson
Admissions Counselor
Virginia State University
Virginia State University is a public, coeducational institution located in Petersburg, Virginia. It was founded in 1882. Virginia State University offers 31 undergraduate degrees, the most popular including Education, Security and Protective Services, and Business Marketing. Undergraduate enrollment at Virginia State University is 4,241.
Mission Statement:
Virginia State University, a public, comprehensive 1890 Land Grant institution and historically black college/university, is committed to the preparation of a diverse population of men and women through the advancement of academic programs and services that integrate instruction, research, extension, and outreach. The University endeavors to meet the educational needs of students, graduating lifelong learners who are well equipped to serve their communities as informed citizens, globally competitive leaders, and highly effective, ethical professionals.
“Building a Better World.”
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Angela Diggs
Director of Recruitment
West Virginia State University
West Virginia State University is a public institution located in Institute, WV. It was founded in 1891. It has four divisions: Arts and Humanities, Business and Social Science, Natural Science and Mathematics, and Professional Studies. Enrollment at West Virginia State University is 2,836 students.
Mission Statement:
The University, “a living laboratory of human relations“, is a community of students, staff, and faculty committed to academic growth, service, and preservation of the racial and cultural diversity of the institution. Its mission is to meet higher education and economic development needs of the state and region through innovative teaching and applied research.
“Veritas Lux Mundi” or “Truth is the Light of the World”
West Virginia State University Website
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Jameelah Means – Director of Admissions
(304) 204-4341
Wiley College
Wiley College, founded in 1873, is a private (nonprofit) United Methodist church affiliated institution, located in Marshall, Texas. The academic programs at Wiley College consist of four divisions: Division of Arts and Sciences; Division of Business and Technology; Division of Education; and Division of General Education and Special Studies. Student enrollment stands at 1,388 students.
Mission Statement:
Wiley College fosters an intellectually stimulating environment that encourages and supports spiritual, ethical and moral development, an appreciation for the arts, global awareness, and concern for the common good in the global society in which it exists. Committed to the principles of educational access and opportunity, our college serves traditional and non-traditional students of diverse academic, social, geographic, economic, cultural, and religious backgrounds who demonstrate a desire and potential for learning in a Christian environment that is sensitive to the myriad of student needs.
“Achieving Excellence through Pride in Performance”
Wiley College Website
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Shawana Hayes
Assistant to the AVP of Enrollment Services & Recruitment/Admissions Operations Coordinator
Xavier University of Louisiana
Located in New Orleans, the small liberal arts college dates back to 1915, when St. Katharine Drexel and the Sisters of the Blessed Sacrament founded the coeducational secondary school from which it evolved. St. Katharine, supported by the interest of a substantial inheritance from her father, banker-financier Francis Drexel, founded and staffed many institutions throughout the U.S. in an effort to help educate Native Americans and Blacks. She was canonized by Pope John Paul II in October, 2000.
Aware of the serious lack of Catholic-oriented education available to young Blacks in the South, St. Katharine came to New Orleans and established a high school on the site previously occupied by Southern University. A Normal School, offering one of the few career fields (teaching) open to Blacks at the time, was added two years later. In 1925 Xavier University became a reality when the College of Liberal Arts and Sciences was established. The first degrees were awarded three years later. In 1927, a College of Pharmacy was opened.
Mission Statement:
Xavier University of Louisiana, founded by Saint Katharine Drexel and the Sisters of the Blessed Sacrament, is Catholic and historically Black. The ultimate purpose of the University is to contribute to the promotion of a more just and humane society by preparing its students to assume roles of leadership and service in a global society. This preparation takes place in a diverse learning and teaching environment that incorporates all relevant educational means, including research and community service.
“With God’s help there is nothing to fear.”
Xavier University of Louisiana Website
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Tamika Starks
Transfer Admissions Counselor

Arizona State University (Arizona)
- Guaranteed admission for students that meet ONE of the following requirements:Completion of 24 transferable semester units with a minimum 2.5 GPA (students with less than 24 units must meet freshman aptitude requirements)
- Full IGETC or CSUGE certification with a minimum 2.5 GPA
- Associate Degree with a minimum 2.0 cumulative GPA (2.5 GPA for non-California or non-Arizona residents)