- "Do the quizzes; keep up. I did this for the first part and got a B on the midterm. I didn’t for the second part, and had to skip a lot of questions on the final."
- "Keep a good schedule and don’t expect to cram all before the test. Space it out and it won’t be too hard."
- "Do the lessons and stay on top of it. Don’t put everything off until the last minute. Keep up with the in-class schedule."
- "Use office hours for questions. Stay up to date."
- "Stick to the practice exams and use the quizzes to reinforce what you’ve learned."
- "You have to pretend the assignments/quizzes are due the day you get them so you can’t procrastinate."
- "Spend a lot of time practicing and going to get help if you need it! Don’t procrastinate. Work on it just like you would a regular class."
- "Do homework! I regret not doing it."