Welcome to the 9th Annual Distance Education Summit; Come up for AIR: Authenticity, Integrity, and Resilience. Hosted by Ventura College.

March 7th, 2025 | 8:30 a.m. - 3:30 p.m. 


Thank you for joining us for the VCCCD DE Summit 2025.  We have uploaded videos to our Sharepoint site for review of the Summit or if you were unable to attend.  Below is a description of the day. 

DE Summit Schedule

Time Event Description & Link
9:00 AM Welcome

The Ventura College Academic Senate President, Rachel Johnson, and the Vice President of Academic Affairs, Greg Anderson, will welcome you to the DE Summit 2025, provide you with key details regarding today's event, and introduce our Keynote speaker.

9:15-10:45 AM

Keynote: Flower Darby 

Small Teaching Online: Practical Strategies to Promote Equitable Student Engagement and Learning

Whether you’re new to online teaching or a seasoned pro, renowned author and educator Flower Darby will share small but impactful strategies to boost student engagement, learning, and equity in online and hybrid courses. With a focus on authenticity, integrity, and resilience, you'll walk away with actionable, time-efficient ideas that support both student and instructor well-being.

11:15 AM-12:00 PM


Each session has its own zoom links

Using Notebook AI in Your Classroom: Plan Lessons, Create Assignments & Podcasts! Horn and Bosket: Moorpark

AI policy: Defining your boundaries  Beard: Ventura 

Enhancing Online Spaces to Support Students' Diverse Needs  Dr. Benavides / Williams-Nettles: Oxnard

Jamworks – A new way to learn  Streeper: Oxnard
12:30-2:00 PM Lightning Rounds

Host Jennifer Garner

Topics (10 minute highlights) 

  • Research Posters as a Tool for Engagement, Communication, and Authentic Assessment 
    (M.Branda: Ventura College)  
  • The Learn From Your Peers Program: A Collaborative Approach to Faculty Development
    R.Petifils: Ventura College)
  • GradeSynch: Submitting final grades through Canvas! 
    (M.Rose: Boldyn)
  • Create Awesome PowerPoints with AI Tools 
    (T. O’Connor: Ventura College) 
  • Teaching Online Re-Certification: A CTE Faculty Perspective 
    (B. Schloo; A. Olson-Pacheco: Ventura College)
  • Unlocking Access with Accessibility Checkers:
    (S. Ruiz, Moorpark College; S. Oxford: Ventura College) 
2:10-3:00 PM Student Panel

Moderator: Brook Masters (Ventura College)

Online Students give us the perspective of what is happening, which projects are working, and which methods can increase interactions.  Come celebrate with us the joys of online learning as it is hosted by our new Dean, Brook Masters. 

3:00 PM Closing

Let's thank our sponsors by viewing a video on AIR Space.  There will be light SWAG for our in-person attendees. For those of you online, you are welcome to stay.  A post conference survey will be emailed out after you have had some time to reflect on the DE Summit 2025.  We hope this experience makes for a great start to your weekend and improves your online teaching needs. 








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