Open Education Resources (OER) are gaining in popularity in online, hybrid, and on campus courses because they are currently being developed with high quality, easy distribution, and low or no cost.  After our successful Oct 20, 2017 OER Professional Development workshop, the distance education team of instructional technologists and designers created a Canvas Course that is full of expert advice in the field of open educational resources.  We felt this was the best way to communicate current and future research. If you are interested in learning more about Open Educational Resources at VCCCD please join the course that has been requested by the VC Distance Education Advisory Group, the Instructional Technology Advisory Committee, Dean Gwendolyn Lewis-Huddleston of Distance Education @ Ventura College, Chancellor Bernard Luskin, and Vice Chancellor Rick Post of Educational Services and Institutional Effectiveness.

Registration for OER Course: Please log in to the portal and then click on this link.