How to Join the FYE Program 

Students interested in joining the FYE Program should follow the steps outlined in the graphic below. If you have any questions about the steps, please contact the FYE office at (805) 289-6438 or

Apply for 2024-2025 FYE Cohort


Students admitted to the FYE program must meet the following criteria:

  • You must be a First-Time College Student with no prior college experience.
  • Students are required to enroll in one of the following courses, unless completed in high school:
    • COUN V01-College Success (3 units)
    • COUN V02-Career Exploration & Life Planning (3 units)
    • COUN V03-College Orientation course (1 unit)
    • COUN V05-Exploring Careers and College Majors (1 unit)
    • EAC V01-Strategies for Success in College & Life (3 units)
    • ENGR V01-Introducton to Engineering (3 units)
  • Students must enroll in English and Math during their first year at Ventura College. *
  • Attend Arrival Survival in the summer.
  • Meet with a FYE Counselor at least once each semester and complete an abbreviated (Fall Semester) and comprehensive (Spring Semester) educational plan.
  • Accept and participate in the FYE Canvas page.
  • Maintain a 2.0+ GPA. 
  • Complete FAFSA or California Dream Act for the current academic year. 

* English and Math requirement can be waived if it is not required for student's educational goal at Ventura College. Must have this requirement cleared by FYE Counselor.

fye vip benefits
fye vip benefits
  • Priority Registration
  • Counseling Courses
  • Educational Counseling & Planning
  • Career Counseling
  • Connect with your Peers
  • Enrollment Assistance
  • Transfer Guidance
  • Academic Success Workshops
  • Orientation for Students & Parents
  • Social Gatherings


Required Courses

Don’t forget!

You must register for one of the following courses.

  • COUN V01 - College Success ( 3 units )
  • COUN V02 - Career Exploration & Life Planning ( 3 units )
  • COUN V03 - College Orientation ( 1 unit )
  • COUN V05 - Exploring Careers and College Majors ( 1 unit)
  • EAC V01 - College & Life Strategies ( 3 units )
  • ENGR V01 - Introduction to Engineering ( 3 units )

All FYE students are required to take one of the following courses.

COUN V01: College Success

  • Identify and learn how to utilize campus resources
  • Develop the skills necessary to make academic and personal decisions
  • Formulate a comprehensive education plan to map your goals at Ventura College!

COUN V02: Career Exploration & Life Planning

  • Explore: Who am I? What do I want? and How do I get it!
  • Learn how to make informed decisions about your short and long term goals
  • Create a comprehensive career and education plan to chart your path to success!

COUN V03: College Orientation

  • Learn how to navigate the Ventura College catalog
  • Clarify degree and transfer requirements
  • Gain an understanding of available student support services and how they can help you achieve success!

COUN V05: Exploring Careers and College Majors

  • Explore Careers and College Majors
  • Students will use self-evaluation instruments
  • Learn to identify interest, abilities, values and goals
  • Develop skill necessary for future career investigation and decision-making
  • Career assessment results will be discussed and help identify goals

EAC V01: College & Life Strategies

  • Learning styles and preferences
  • Self-Advocacy Skills
  • Memory Techniques
  • Time Management Skills
  • Multiculturalism
  • Critical Thinking Skills
  • Relationships
  • Health and Nutrition
  • Note Taking Skills

ENGR V01: Introduction to Engineering

  • Explore the rewards and opportunities of the engineering profession
  • Identify how to achieve success in engineering study
  • Create a comprehensive Educational plan to map your path to transfer


FYE First Year Experience