Your Rights | Tus Derechos

Everyone has Constitutional rights, regardless of legal status. It’s important to know what your rights are, how to exercise them, and what to do if they are violated. Below, you’ll find videos and resources to help you navigate different situations where you may encounter immigration enforcement.

Todos tienen derechos constitucionales, sin importar su estatus legal. Es importante conocer cuáles son sus derechos, cómo ejercerlos y qué hacer si son violados. A continuación, encontrará videos y recursos que le ayudarán a manejar diferentes situaciones en las que pueda encontrarse con agentes de inmigración.

  1. DO NOT OPEN THE DOOR if an immigration agent is knocking on the door
    NO ABRA LA PUERTA si un agente de inmigración está tocando la puerta
  2. DO NOT ANSWER ANY QUESTIONS from an immigration agent if they attempt to speak with you. You have the right to remain silent.
    NO RESPONDA A NINGUNA PREGUNTA de un agente de inmigración si intenta hablar con usted. Usted tiene el derecho de permanecer en silencio.
  3. DO NOT SIGN ANYTHING without consulting a lawyer first. You have the right to speak with an attorney.
    NO FIRME NADA sin consultar primero con un abogado. Usted tiene el derecho de hablar con un abogado.
  4. If you are outside of your home, ask the agent if you are free to leave. If they say yes, leave calmly.
    Si usted está afuera de su casa, pregunte al agente sí es libre para irse. Si dicen que si, váyase con calma.
  5. Give a KNOW YOUR RIGHTS card to the agent. If you are outside your home, show the card through the window or slide it under the door
    Entregue una tarjeta roja de CONOZCA SUS DERECHOS. Si usted está dentro de su casa, muestre la tarjeta por la ventana o pásela debajo de la puerta.

    Important Reminders | Recordatorios Importantes

    • How to Safely Assert Your Rights During an ICE Encounter
    • Cómo Afirmar Sus Derechos de Manera Segura Durante un Encuentro con ICE

    Your Rights in Different Situations | Sus Derechos en Diferentes Situaciones


    If ICE is Outside Your Door | Si ICE Está Fuera de Su Puerta

    You have the right to remain silent and not open the door unless they have a valid judicial warrant.

    Learn how to respond safely | Aprenda cómo responder de manera segura

    If ICE is Inside Your Home | Si ICE Está Dentro de Su Casa

    Know when ICE has the legal authority to enter and what to do if they don’t.

    Understand your rights at home | Conozca sus derechos en casa

    If ICE is in Your Community | Si ICE Está en Su Comunidad Public spaces, including schools, hospitals, and churches, have different levels of protection.

    Learn how to protect yourself in public places | Conozca cómo protegerse en lugares públicos

    If ICE Stops You on the Street | Si ICE Lo Detiene en la Calle

    You do not have to answer questions or provide documents without a warrant.

    What to say and do in this situation | Qué decir y hacer en esta situación

    If You Are Arrested | Si Es Arrestado

    Stay calm, ask for a lawyer, and do not sign anything without legal advice.

    Steps to take if detained | Pasos a seguir si es detenido

    If You Are a Witness to an Immigration Arrest | Si Es Testigo de un Arresto de Inmigración

    You have the right to record public interactions, but there are safety precautions to follow.

    Learn how to safely support others | Aprenda cómo apoyar a otros de manera segura


    Warrants: Important things to know

    ICE can’t come into your home unless they have a signed search warrant.

    • Do NOT Open the Door - If officers are at your door, ask them to pass the warrant under the door before you open it, or to hold it against a glass window.
    • If the agents don’t speak your language, ask for an interpreter.
    • Do NOT resist if ICE agents force their way in. Say “I do not consent to your entry,” but do not physically resist.
    Judicial Warrants DHS-Issued Warrants
    • Court/Judge-issued warrants
    • If ICE officers want to enter your home, they must have a valid judicial search warrant that says the officers have a right to enter or search that particular address or areas specified.
    • Look at the top and at the signature line to see if it was issued by a court and signed by a judge. Only a court/judge warrant grants ICE permission to enter your premises.
    • DHS (ICE/CBP) arrest-issued warrants
    • An arrest warrant (or an administrative warrant of removal) is not enough to come inside you home.
    • One issued by DHS or ICE and signed by a DHS or ICE employee does not grant ICE permission to enter your premises.

    Additional Resources | Recursos Adicionales

    Know Your Rights and Immigration Preparedness Toolkits

