Spring 2025 Newsletter

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Coordinator's Corner

Spring 2025 Coordinator's Corner

Hello EAC Students!

Congratulations on getting half way through the Spring semester- hang in there, just a few more short weeks to go until Spring Break.  If you feel like you are on empty don’t fret, there are many services in the EAC that can support your success if you have not already reached out to us.  Come in and talk to a counselor so he/she can help assist you- we are here for you.  As most of you know, the EAC offers services in person, via Zoom and via phone appointments.    

As you are hopefully thinking about Summer and Fall classes, this newsletter is to inform you about dates for registering as well as classes that the EAC will be offering.  The class schedule is published on line so please reference that for the details.  EAC Counselors are ready to assist you in educational planning for the upcoming semesters.  Please call or stop by the EAC office so that we can get you hooked up with the services that you need.  April 14th is the start of priority registration so get in ASAP!   Classes will start to fill up so you want to be sure to get your class at the time that fits your busy schedules.

Also- please be on the “lookout” for an email link for a survey to complete.  It will be sent to your VCCCD email account.  The California State Chancellors Office is asking that all colleges send this to our EAC students.  Please take some time to complete it- Thank you so very much.


Have a great rest of the semester and enjoy your summer break (if you get one)!   


Patty Wendt and the EAC Team!

Fall 2025 - EAC Offered Classes Begin Monday, August 11, 2025

Other Important Information