
TEAS EXAM (required by August 31 or February 28 to finalize the application)

Ventura College Nursing requires the first attempt results on ATI TEAS version 7 (subject to change) showing a Total Score of 62% or higher. 


Ventura College will not be offering ATI TEAS testing in February 2025

Students may take the ATI TEAS directly through ATI (Assessment Technologies Institute, LLC) at their own expense, or at an alternate testing site listed on the ATI website. Visit http://www.atitesting.com/home.aspx for information regarding current fees and scheduling. Please be aware the student is responsible for payment of both the exam fee and the fee to have TEAS results sent electronically to Ventura College. 


ATI TEAS Testing Dates at Ventura College

Date Day Time Location
August 2025 TBD TBD English Learning Center (ELC), Room 1
August 2025 TBD TBD English Learning Center (ELC), Room 1

Note: Students may take the ATI TEAS directly through ATI (Assessment Technologies Institute, LLC) at their own expense. Visit http://www.atitesting.com/home.aspx for information regarding current fees and scheduling. Please be aware the student is responsible for payment of both the exam fee and the fee to have TEAS results sent electronically to Ventura College. 


TEAS Results:

Applicants to the Ventura College nursing program are required to submit ATI TEAS scores to Ventura College by 5pm PST on August 31 or February 28.

  • ATI TEAS test results taken at Ventura College are available to the School of Nursing immediately after the testing.
  • ATI TEAS test results taken at all other locations must be sent via the ATI website to Ventura College by 5pm PST on August 31 or February 28.

It is the student's responsibility to request the results be sent from ATI to Ventura College by the stated deadline.  ATI charges a fee for this service. The student is responsible for payment of this fee. ATI TEAS results sent electronically to Ventura College will be matched to the name under which the student applied to the Nursing Program.  If you have any questions about the TEAS exam, testing accommodations, submitting your score reports, etc. please contact Catherine Faulkner at cfaulkner@vcccd.edu.

Only two student attempts to reach the success score are permitted. If the first attempt is less than the current success score of 62%, the student must undergo remediation as determined by a nursing counselor before retaking as a second attempt.

What can I do to prepare for the ATI TEAS Exam?

Students are strongly encouraged to prepare for the TEAS Exam as it is an important component of eligibility.  Study materials are available through ATI.

When do I get my results?

Your results will be immediately viewable on your screen. The Ventura College School of Nursing has immediate access to your results if you test through Ventura College.

What is the ATI TEAS?

Ventura College Associate Degree Nursing Program applicants are required to take the Test of Essential Academic Skills (ATI TEAS) as part of the admission multi-criteria due to new regulations by the California State Chancellor's Office. The ATI TEAS measures basic essential skills in the academic content area domains of reading mathematics, science and English and language usage. These entry level skills were deemed important for health science program applicants by a panel of subject matter experts.

The Chancellor of the California Community colleges requires an individual composite score of 62% on ATI TEAS. Scoring 62% or above indicates that you have the academic skills necessary for successful completion of the nursing curriculum. Screening students' academic skills and requiring remediation for a composite score below 62% coupled with low Reading, Math, Science and English sub scores will increase the likelihood of success in a challenging nursing curriculum. 


The ATI TEAS test contributes to the multi-criteria points for admission. Total maximum points earned come from the sum of the points awarded for the student's TEAS composite score, English score, Reading score, Math score and Science score.

Points are awarded as follows:

ATI Teas Composite Score Points English Score
Adjusted Individual Score)
>95% 6 ≥93%   6
>90%     5 ≥85%    5
≥ 85%  4 ≥80%    4
≥77%   3 ≥75%  3
≥70%  2 ≥70%  2
≥62%      1 ≥65%    1
<62%   Not eligible for admission <65% 0

Reading Score
(Adjusted Individual Score)
Points Math Score
(Adjusted Individual Score)
Points Science Score
Adjusted Individual Score)
≥95%  6 ≥95% 6 ≥95% 6
≥90% 5 ≥85% 5 ≥85% 5
≥85%  4 ≥80% 4 ≥80% 4
≥80%    3 ≥75% 3 ≥75% 3
≥75%  2 ≥70% 2 ≥70% 2
≥70% 1 ≥65% 1 ≥62% 1
<70%  0 <65% 0 <62 0

What do I do if I did not meet the ATI TEAS success score of 62.0% or above?

If your score on the ATI TEAS (Test of Essential Academic Skills) exam, did not meet the STATE mandated minimum success score of 62.0%, you will need to meet with a nursing counselor to develop and outline your remediation plan to address this specific issue and to give you a date by which the plan must be completed. Please contact the Counseling Office at 805-289-6448 to schedule an appointment with a nursing counselor. Remediation plans may ONLY be developed by a nursing counselor. You will be required to bring a copy of your ATI TEAS test results to the appointment, and failure to do so will result in having to reschedule. Your application is going to be removed from the applicant pool and not be added to the eligibility wait list.


Applicants must meet the success score on the first attempt or must remediate . The nursing program reviews multiple components of the applicant's ATI TEAS  score as part of the application process. Composite scores below 62% require that the student complete specific remediation plans prior to admission to the nursing program. Students who do not meet the mandated success score must schedule an appointment with a nursing counselor to discuss remediation and retesting requirements. Please bring a copy of your ATI TEAS results and the letter from the School of Nursing when meeting with the nursing counselor. Remediation plans must be completed by the date assigned by the School of Nursing. Deferral of admission is not allowed for incomplete remediation.