Associate of Science
Certificate of Achievement
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About Program


Program Purpose:

Students who complete the Emergency Medical Technician (EMT) course will apply scientific knowledge while utilizing effective communication and interpersonal skills in the techniques considered to be within the scope of practice of ambulance personnel and others engaged in the delivery of emergency services. Students will participate in classroom, hospital, and field settings. Upon successful completion of both the written and practical examinations with a grade of B or better, the student will be eligible to sit for the certifying examination administered by the National Registry of Emergency Medical Technicians.

Program Description:

A community depends on an emergency medical system that responds quickly with well-educated and competent EMTs. Successful completion of the EMT program and the National Registry certifying examination presents the EMT with exciting employment opportunities with private ambulance companies, fire departments, and hospitals that utilize basic life support skills. They may also find employment with companies providing basic medical care at concerts, sporting events, and amusement parks. Completion of the EMT program is a prerequisite for most Paramedic Programs throughout the United States.


What is an Emergency Medical Technician?

Emergency medical technicians (EMTs) provide urgent care in any location or while transporting patients in ambulances or helicopters. As first responders in the delivery of emergency services, these men and women apply life-saving medical techniques to the injured. EMTs possess the ability to manage both physical and psychological distress in challenging situations. EMTs receive varying levels of certification depending on their cumulative training and experience. In California, paramedic is the highest level of EMT certification.

Employment of EMTs is expected to be above the average growth for all occupations primarily because of the rapidly expanding aged population. Recent surveys show that there is more demand for paramedics, who are usually placed as soon as they complete the required certification because of their advanced training and experience.

Career Opportunities

The School of Prehospital and Emergency Medicine trains emergency medical technology and paramedic students to provide urgent care in any location or while transporting patients in ambulances or helicopters. Graduates embark on exciting careers as first responders in the delivery of emergency services. The School administers the following programs:

  • Paramedic
  • Paramedic with Associate of Science
  • Emergency Medical Technician

Registration Information 

  1. Apply for Admission to Ventura College and activate your MyVCCCD Portal. 
  2. Enroll in EMS V10 and corequisite EMS V10L.
  3. Students must be present on the first night of class. 
  4. Students must have a current CPR certification and must bring copies of their card (front and back) on the first night of class: American Heart Association BLS Provider or American Red Cross Basic Life Support for Health Care Provider.   
  5. Additional costs are required for this course in addition to tuition and textbooks. See the current cost estimate below in the links section.  These additional costs are due early in the course. 
  6. Current Health Forms are available from the course instructors. 
  7. There are additional costs after program completion in order to obtain certification as an EMT (NREMT Exam, live scan, and application for certification with an EMS Agency). 


  • The California Emergency Medical Services Authority, through the Ventura County Emergency Medical Services Agency, may deny certification to those with criminal records. Background checks for admission to the EMT Program involve a seven-year search. Misdemeanors and/or felonies within the previous seven years (including DUIs) will result in a student's inability to be assigned to a clinical agency for patient care experiences. This will necessitate dismissal from the program. 
  • Students must show proof that they are 18 years of age by the midterm examination. 

Student Learning Outcomes (SLOs):

Advisory Committee Agenda and Minutes

Meeting Agenda & Minutes are available on the Paramedic Webpage


Program Director: Thomas O'Connor