About Program
(805) 289-6339
Program Purpose: Anthropology includes the study of the biological and cultural adaptations of humans both past and present. Biological and Cultural Anthropology courses satisfy lower division General Education requirements and are eligible for transfer to most four-year institutions.
Program Description: Training in Anthropology provides students with a comprehensive education of the human condition and specialization in the various sub-disciplines can lead to careers both in the sciences and humanities.
Anthropology, being the study of humans, provides students with the perspective to confront an increasingly diverse population. Anthropology provides skills to face multi-cultural situations with understanding and without bias.
Anthropology is a four field discipline:
Cultural |
Biological |
Archeological |
Linguistic |
At Ventura College, the focus is on two of the four fields, Cultural Anthropology and Biological Anthropology. The cultural subfield offers insight into the world’s religions, traditions and ethnicities. The biological subfield allows for an understanding of the biological similarities of Homo sapiens and the invalidity of biological racial differences between groups. The bio-cultural perspective of the discipline provides students with a holistic awareness of themselves and the world around them.
Career opportunities:
In Anthropology, there are numerous career opportunities including:
- Corporate business
- Advocacy work
- Public health
- Academic and research positions
Degrees/Certificates offered:
- Associate in Arts for Transfer (AA-T)
- Proficiency Award
For more information regarding Anthropology Degree Requirements, see the Ventura College Catalog or contact the Academic Counseling Office.
Course Fulfillments:
The courses offered in the Anthropology department fulfill requirements for students working toward academic goals and personal growth. Courses in both Biological and Cultural Anthropology fulfill these requirements:
- Associate in Arts Degree (AA), Associate in Science Degree (AS)
- Natural Sciences (ANTH V01, V01L, V35, V35L, V36)
- Social and Behavioral Sciences (ANTH V02, V03, V04, V05, V06, V07, V35, V35L, V36)
Need help with course selection, educational planning, or have questions concerning requirements for majors, general education, graduation, or transfer to a four-year college or university?
Make an appointment with an Academic Counselor