
Transfer-level success is still within your reach. Our VC Support Services and your self-confidence will give you the best chance to meet your goals! 

It might be hard to believe at first, but studies have found that students like you are statistically more likely to succeed in transfer-level English. Students with a High School GPA below 1.9 should seek additional academic support to improve your likelihood of success.

We know that it's hard to find confidence when you have struggled in the past, but evidence shows that you are still better off entering into transfer-level English and getting the support you need to do well there rather than placing into a lower-level course where you have a much lower chance of completing English 1A, the required transfer-level English course for all Associate degrees. 

Here’s a graph to show you what we mean.


Chart with data on English success rates


  • For extra in-class support, select a section of English 1A that includes face-to-face computer lab time in the Learning Resource Center (LRC). You may want to avoid any English 1A section that is a "Distance Education Class" if you would like extra in-person support from the instructor. 
    • English 2 is an optional preparatory class for English 1A.
  • Visit the Tutoring Center and meet with a writing tutor.
  • Participate in Learning Resource Center Workshops.


So what are you waiting for? Find a section of transfer-level English 1A and register today!

Need help registering? 

  • If you are blocked from enrolling in English 1A for "Prerequisite Not Met," please visit the Assessment Office or call (805) 289-6402.
  • For other questions about registration, call the Admissions and Records Office at (805) 289-6457.
  • To schedule a counseling appointment, please call (805) 289-6448 or visit the Student Services Center (SSC) Information Desk.