Name: Isabella Coronado
Role at VC: ASVC Director of Equity and Inclusion, SACNAS Secretary, Women in STEM club Vice President, STEM Navigator, MESA member
Major: Biomedical Engineering Major
Years at VC: 1
Family life: Youngest of 4 and only girl
Hobbies: Hiking, lifting, going to the beach
Favorite Food: Baskin Robbins Mint and Chip ice cream
Favorite Movie: Lilo & Stitch
Favorite Song: Hawaiian Roller Coaster Ride
Something Fun, interesting, and/ or unique about you: I danced and played volleyball for 9 years, and played soccer for 10. I love my friends like family and spend more time at school than I do at home. I enjoy painting landscapes and reading on the beach or the top of a mountain. I’m native American, Mexican, Spanish, Venezuelan, Colombian, and Argentinian. I identify closely with my Native roots and feel close to the Earth so I enjoy being outdoors more than anything.