Highlighting the amazing Administration, Faculty, Classified Professionals, and Students that make up our pirate family. 

This month's highlights include:

 Jordan Sandoval (student),  Cynthia Cuevas (classified),  (administrator), Emily Bartel (faculty)

Jordan Sandoval, Student

Jordan Sandoval

Name: Jordan Sandoval

Role at VC: Student/Basic Needs Student Ambassador

Major: Mechanical Engineering

Years at VC: It's going to be Three To Four Years 

Family life: Very close with family because they are fun and interactive

Hobbies: Puzzles, Rubiks Cubes, Origami

Favorite Food: Pasta, Chinese Food, Noodles, and Burgers.

Favorite Movie: The Green Mile and I also like classic and horror movies

Favorite Song: There's too many to count but I like oldies along with NF, Eminem, Hopsin, Joyner Lucas, and Kendrick Lamar

Something Fun, interesting, and/ or unique about you: I really enjoy helping others in any way I can!

Cynthia Cuevas, Classified
Professional photo of Cynthia Cuevas

Name: Cynthia Cuevas

Role: VCEC Counseling Services Specialist

Years at VC: 2 years

Family: I have one older sister and one younger brother. Our family dog (yogie) is 16 years old and still living his best life! I also have one beautiful niece that will soon be turning one years old. 

Hobbies: I enjoy going to new places and trying new foods.

Favorite food: Mac & cheese and chicken tenders are my go to comfort foods but I will eat anything as long as it does not have olives. 

Favorite Movie: I can always watch a good horror film but I always watch The Proposal when I need a good laugh. 

Favorite Song: Depends on my mood but lately it has been a lot of Becky G.

Something unique or interesting about you: I love cactus. If I could I would fill my whole house with them.

Cláudia Wilroy, Admin
A photo of Claudia Wilroy

Name: Cláudia Wilroy

Primary role at the college: International Office, PDSO

Years of Service:  3

Family: son and daughter

Hobbies: playing the piano, traveling & wine tasting

Favorite Food: Italian & Lebanese cuisine

Favorite Movie: My Fair Lady 

Favorite Song: many, but love Billy Joel

Something fun, interesting, and/or unique about you: I am from Brazil, I enjoying riding my motorcycle. Bucket list: visiting Japan. 

Emily Bartel, Faculty
Photo of Emily Bartel

Name: Emily Bartel

Role: Counselor

Years at VC: 8 1/2

Family: My fiancé, Ryan, and our large kitty Jilly. I also have my parents, my older brother, and his wife, and their amazing children, my beloved niece and nephew. 

Hobbies: Hiking, Reading, Yoga, Traveling, island camping, Urban Exploration, History/Historical sites, Museums, and seeing plays/orchestra (Love the LA Phil!)

Favorite food: Basque (if you don't know, try it!!)

Favorite Movie: Tie between Raising Arizona and The Big Lebowski 

Favorite Song: Helplessly Hoping by Crosby, Stills, and Nash

Something unique or interesting about you: I love history and historical sites. I find any historical site, ghost town, or similar area to visit whenever I am traveling. Immersing myself in the tales of past days and exploring historical areas and sites fills me with an unparalleled sense of fascination and wonder. The stories to be discovered and seen are like portals to another time, which sparks my imagination and love for history. 

Employee Life
Ventura College