Name: Rhonda Carlson
Primary role at the college: Foster Care Project Specialist
Years of Service: I have been here 18 years last November, always in the same position.
I will expand upon my role a little more since my role on campus is not well known.
I serve as the Instructional Specialist for our Foster & Kinship Care Education Program (FKCE), a categorically funded program through the State Chancellor’s Office. The program is unique in that our program participants are not students. Our target population is the caregivers of children or youth who are in formal foster care or informally being raised by extended family members. Resource parents (the new and current term replacing “Foster Parent”) are required to get ongoing training to maintain their license. However, we also support all those families who just open their homes to help raise children who are not theirs by birth. Often this is grandparents raising grandchildren, but it can be a non-familial connection as well. Many of our classes are now in Spanish so that we can better serve our monolingual Spanish-speaking families. More information and a list of classes are on our website.
For many years, each campus had an FKCE program and Specialist. Now just Ventura and Oxnard have programs that must serve the entire County. As of about a year ago, I became the Instructional Specialist at Oxnard College as well (My time is split 50/50.) I am thrilled to share that we are in the process of bringing on a Bilingual Office Assistant to help both programs!
Family: My family includes James, my husband of nearly 15 years, Anjelica, our 26-year-old daughter by way of foster care, Sofia, our 6-year-old granddaughter and Max, our 13-year-old Golden Retriever. Anjelica and Sofia moved out last year, but recently, my Mom has been staying with us, so no empty nest just yet!
Hobbies: Currently, I am reading a lot, taking long walks, listening to music and streaming movies on our (quite big) pandemic purchase TV. I also love to arrange flowers. Looking ahead to when more of us are vaccinated and we embark on the “next normal,” I am excited to again go wine tasting, attend concerts, travel and just spend some time relaxing with friends.
Favorite Food: I love cheese, any and every kind, except for processed cheese, which I really don’t like at all.
Favorite Movie: Of any genre? That’s too tough. I will say that my favorite movie as a child that I still love as an adult is E. T. The Extra Terrestrial and of course, almost any animated Disney movie.
Favorite Song: Into the Mystic by Van Morrison
Something fun, interesting, and/or unique about you: I prefer to engage with the world through non-technological ways. I like reading from the printed page, writing notes on paper, and talking to people in person. I‘ve never had any social media accounts. An ideal day for me would involve no screens whatsoever. However, I’m not afraid of technology and I have become fairly adept at learning, using, understanding and even teaching others how to do everything needed in this virtual environment. That being said, I do chuckle every time I get an accidental message meant for the other Rhonda on campus, Rhonda Lillie, from the IT department. Even with my newfound skills, I do not think anyone wants me solving their IT problem!