HSI Week Events: September 13
CSC QUAD & VC Cafeteria
Pirate Sweet Treats | 11 a.m. Join us for free sweet treats. Meet ASVC and Student Services leaders. Sponsored by ASVC and Student Affairs.
Social Justice & Belonging | 11 a.m. - 2 p.m. Join us for Social Justice & Belonging: Spoken Word & Testimonios (Storytelling) presented by: Daniella Graves, Ph.D., Faculty Sociology, Mariana Branda-Gherardi, M.A., Faculty Sociology, Rocio Hernández, Ed.D., Counseling Faculty and Coordinator CalWorks, Rubisela Gamboa, M.A., Faculty Chicano/a Studies, Francisco Fuentes, Jr., Ph.D, Faculty Chicano/a Studies, and Vincent Jimenez, Communications Assistant Welcome Center and VC alum.
Learning Resources | 11 a.m. - 2 p.m. Highlighting Latine/a/o, Black/African American, Indigenous, and LGBTQ+ authors, social justice movements, and histories Chicano/a Studies and M.E.Ch.A Basic Needs and Dreamers Resource Center
Spoken Word | 11 a.m. - 11:45 a.m. Join leader Vincent Jimenez for a session on spoken word.
Book Talk | Noon - 1 p.m. | Diverse Experiences of Latinas in Higher Education: Chingonas on their Own Terms Presented by: Rocio Hernández, Ed.D. and Daniella Graves, Ph.D. Join Dras. Hernández and Graves for an exclusive book talk on their recent publication. By sharing the collective experiences of Latinas in higher education, this book provides a diverse range of empowering testimonios from Chingonas living on their own terms, who are defining professionalism for themselves.
Social Justice, Empowerment, and Activism Time and location: 1 p.m. - 2 p.m. Join faculty from Sociology and Chicano/a Studies for an empowering session on getting involved with social justice and activist movements. Presented by: Mariana Branda-Gherardi, M.A.