Directions: Read the reading sample and the writing sample. Is this something you can read or write today with a little help? Click on “too easy” and “too hard” buttons to see reading and writing examples from other levels. Choose “just right” to select your level.  

Reading Sample


William Kamkwamba lives in Malawi, Africa, where most people don't have access to electricity or running water.¹ They have to cook over open fires and collect water from wells or streams. Poverty is very high; only 2 percent pf Malawians can afford electricity. In addition, most people have to grow their own food. Life is difficult there, and many people struggle to survive. 

In 2001, when William was 14 years old, life in Malawi became even more difficult. There was a severe drought,2 and most families-including William's— couldn't grow enough food. He explains, "Within five months all Malawians began to starve to death. My family ate one meal per day, at night." 

Because of the drought, William's family couldn't afford to send him to school anymore. However, William wanted to continue his education, so he went to the library near his home one day. He found a science book there called Using Energy. It included instructions for building a windmill. Windmills can be very efficient sources of electricity, and they can bring water up from underground. William didn't know much English, and he wasn't able to understand most of the book, but it was full of pictures and diagrams.3 Looking at the pictures, William thought he could build a windmill for his family. 

When William went home and started building his windmill, a lot of people in his village laughed at him, including his mother. They didn't think he could do it. However, William didn't let that stop him - he was confident. He saw the photo of the windmill in the book. That meant someone else was able to build it, so he knew he could build it, too. William was also creative. He didn't have the parts and equipment that he saw in the book's diagrams, and he couldn't buy them. So he looked for the parts that he needed in junkyards.4 

While building the windmill, William changed and improved his design little by little. At first, the windmill powered only one light bulb. Then it powered four lights. Eventually, there was enough electricity for four lights and a radio. No one laughed at William after that, and people in his village started to come to his house to get power for their cell phones. Later, William built a second windmill. This one brought water up from underground. After that, he began to teach other people how to build windmills. He also continued to build more of them himself, including one at a primary school. 

Because of his success with the windmills, William was able to go back to school. He also helped to develop a malaria5 prevention program and clean water services in his community. He wrote a book about his life called The Boy Who Harnessed the Wind: Creating Currents of Electricity and Hope. In addition, he uses his website to educate people and to give them hope. His main message is this: "To the Africans, and the poor who are struggling with your dreams..., trust yourself and believe. Whatever happens, don't give up." 


¹Running water is water that is brought into a building through pipes. 

2A drought is a long period of time with no rain. 

3 Diagrams are drawings that show how something (e.g., a machine) works.  

4 A junkyard is a place where old machines are thrown away. 
5 Malaria is a disease spread by mosquitoes. 

Writing Sample

I believe that it is important for people to try food from different cultures. One reason is that they will learn about other countries. When they research recipes for food from other countries and try new ingredients, they will discover new things about those places. Also, people should try foreign foods because they can experience a country without actually going there. It can be expensive to travel to a foreign country, but it's easy and inexpensive to try a dish from that place. Finally, I think people should try food from other cultures to make cooking and eating more enjoyable. Eating the same dishes all the time is boring, and trying different types of food can be an adventure. 

Pick one of the options below:

Too Hard

I don’t understand anything. I want an easier class. No entiendo nada. Quiero una clase más fácil.

Just Right

This is a good class for me. It's not too easy. It is not too hard. Esta clase es buena para mí. No es demasiado fácil. No es demasiado difícil.

Too Easy

I understand everything. I want to see the next level. Entiendo todo. Quiero ver el siguiente nivel.

Source: Pathways 2: Reading, Writing, and Critical Thinking