Basic Needs, Housing, and Meals
Detailed information regarding housing, and resources to affordable options, senior housing, counseling, tenants’ rights, and enforcement.
Interface 211 of Ventura County (24hrs day/7 days a week) Dial 2-1-1 or text your zip code to 898-211 for help. All conversations are confidential and available in multiple languages.
Basic Needs & Support Services for Homeless Individuals & Families
Emergency and Transitional Housing
- Emergency Shelters for Homeless Individuals & Families
- Emergency Shelters for Survivors of Domestic Violence
- Emergency Shelters for Survivors of Sexual Assault
- Homelessness Prevention and Rapid Re-Housing Program
- Homeless Safe Parking Programs
- Transitional Housing (Temporary)
Permanent Veterans Housing
- Ventura Springs Veterans Housing
Application Deadline has been Extended!
Contact: Tammy Worley | U.S. VETS Outreach Service Coordinator
805-698-7899 |
Mental Health, Rehab & Recovery Programs
ROH services the military-connected community with free mental health services. Service members are ‘hands-on’, and horses assist people in working through emotional barriers without judgment. Eight week sessions are provided at no cost to military personnel. Contact: 805-633-9199 or
Local Food Banks/Distribution Centers, Meal Programs, and Vouchers
Users may search by zip code/city, or type of need.
- California Association of Food Banks
- Community Bible Church – food distribution
- Feeding America
- Food Share Pantries Food Share Resource List (by city)
Types: Drive-Thru, Hot Meals, Senior Kits, Community Sites - Hot Meal Programs
- VCCCD List of Community Food Pantries
- Ventura County Food Share Inc.
4156 Southbank Road Oxnard,
CA 93036 (805) 983-7100
Additional Support and Social Care Services
- Military Animal Project - Free veteran pet support services
- Aunt Bertha Social Care Network - Search for free or reduced cost services for food, medical care, job training and more.
- Community Integration Services - via the Salvation Army: Employment, Family, and Housing Services
Affordable Housing Options
Two key programs for affordable housing based on income are the Housing Choice Voucher/Section 8 program and Low-Rent Public Housing.
Through the Housing Choice Voucher Program, participants who are issued a voucher choose their own rental unit from a private landlord and the local housing authority pays part of ongoing rental costs directly to the landlord.
Through Low-Rent Public Housing, participants live in designated complexes owned and operated by a local Housing Authority and are charged rent that is 30% of the household’s income. Neither program provides a quick answer to affordable housing. However, if you are interested in these options for the future, the first step is applying to get on the wait lists of programs you are eligible for when you can.
Most housing authorities in Ventura County are not currently accepting applications for the Housing Choice Voucher Program and wait-lists are closed. However, Housing Choice wait-lists will periodically open, so it’s important to keep an eye out and submit an application to be placed on the wait-list when the opportunity arises.
There are also affordable housing options available through nonprofit organizations.