2020 Schwab Academy Faculty

Faculty Instrument
Carol Lockart Flute
Kimaree Gilad Oboe
Jim Sullivan Clarinet
Nick Akdag Bassoon
Jon Titmus French Horn
Fundi Legohn Brass
Andrew Tholl Violin
Julissa Bozman Violin
Diane Gilbert Viola
Ashley Walters Cello
Dave Mason Cello
John Hester Bass
Barry Newton Bass
Mathew Cook Percussion
Carlos Gonzales Classical Guitar
Robert Lawson Music Director / Conductor
Cesar Mateus Classical Guitar
Felix Eisenhauer Keyboards

Ventura College Music Department is recognized as a leader in music education and has a comprehensive course schedule throughout the year, providing professional instruction and leadership to students. Register for courses including: Theory, History and Literature, Vocal, Instrumental, Jazz, Technology, and ensembles, including Opera, Choir, Orchestra, Chamber & Jazz, designed to educate your knowledge of music.