About Program
NOTICE: Human Services is in the process of changing to Social Work and Human Services (SWHS). For more information, please view the College Catalog.
Program Purpose: The Human Services program is designed to assist students in their conceptual understanding of system concepts, theories and techniques that are foundational to the practice of human/social services. Gain an understanding of assessment methods, treatment planning and case management. Also, to develop an understanding of recovery oriented behavior health services.
Program Description: Human Services is a course of study for those interested in employment in such diverse settings as group homes and halfway houses; correctional, develop-mental disability agencies, and community mental health centers; family, child, and youth service agencies and programs concerned with alcoholism, drug abuse, family violence, homelessness, aging or other social issues. The primary focus of the human service worker is to assist individual and communities to function as effectively as possible in the major domains of living as case managers, advocates, grant writers, youth workers, volunteer coordinators, human resource specialists, fundraisers, trainers, para-educators or advocacy. The Human Services AA and certificate programs are structured around interrelated components including: theoretical foundations/intervention strategies; client population/cultural diversity; research/evaluation; and skill development/field experience. Successful completion of appropriate coursework will enable students to either further their education, seek employment in a variety of social service organizations or both.
Human Services professionals provide support for individuals and families as they move through the network of social services designed to assist individuals in need. Courses for the Human Services certificate are drawn from a variety of subject disciplines.
Department Chair: Ronald Mules
Email: rmules@vcccd.edu