About Program
Program Description: The United States of America is a racial and cultural pluralistic country. The Chicano(a) Studies program strives to begin meeting the educational obligation to a multi-cultural community. The Chicano(a) Studies Program examines the past and present experiences of Chicano(a) and others of Latin American decent. The Chicano(a) Studies courses are designed to prepare students to serve the Chicano(a)/Latino(a) community, to become aware of the culture and heritage and to develop a critical assessment of the social, political and economic experience of this community. The interdisciplinary nature of our Chicano(a) Studies prepares students for transfer to four-year universities that offer upper division majors in this area. Students from this field of study find employment in areas such as education, community and social services, law, government, counseling, probation, and business. In addition, Chicano(a) Studies provides students with many pathways for graduate work in areas that include education, history, political science, sociology, social work, women’s studies, ethnic studies, urban studies, law, and the arts.
The Chicano(a) Studies program offers introductory courses and workshops addressing Mexican-American/Chicano heritage.