About Foster & Kinship Care Education (FKCE)
The Ventura College Foster and Kinship Care Education Program provides quality education and support activities to the caregivers of children and youth in out-of-home care so that these providers may meet the educational, emotional, behavioral and developmental needs of children and youth.
Classes are provided in both English & Spanish, at NO COST for anyone wanting to attend. In all classes, first priority will go to Foster Parents and Kinship Providers, now referred to as Resource Parents.
For More Information
Please Contact: Clarissa Campos Alvarado, FKCE Office Assistant at (805) 289-6133 or email clarissa_camposalva1@vcccd.edu | Rhonda Carlson, FKCE Specialist at (805) 289-6181 or email rcarlson@vcccd.edu
Join Us
We now have in-person classes available as well as many live online trainings. If you still have not joined us for a virtual training, it is not too late to try it! Our team is ready and able to walk any Zoom newbies through the process. Just let us know what you need!
February-March 2025 Class List
All classes are on Zoom, unless otherwise shown. All classes meet written directives for Resource Parent training.
Language of Apology
Explore the five apology languages for yourself and your youth in care in order to apologize, forgive and heal family relationships.
Tuesday, February 25, 2025, 6-8pm
Instructor: Pam Lehtonen & Renee Cervantez
Register & More Info on Apology
Grandparents as Parents: Be Your Child's Advocate
Join us in this new series to connect with other kinship caregivers who may be experiencing the same challenges and experiences as you, and learn about specific services and connections you can be making in the community to help you and your kinship family thrive!
Last Thursday of the Month, February 27, 2025, 6-7:30pm
Instructor: Pam Lehtonen
Register & More Info on Grandparents as Parents
Launching Teens & Preparing Children for Self-Sufficiency
Learn how parenting styles and other factors influence children's ability to develop independent living skills and what you can teach your child now to help them be ready for the adult world.
Tuesday, March 4, 2025, 6-8pm
Instructor: Dr. Judy Sullivan Osterhage
Register & More Info on Launching Teens
In Person! Trauma Informed Practices for Schools 1 & 2
In part 1 & 2, participants will recognize the unique support and understanding needed for our youth in foster care as they enter various educational institutions.
Wednesdays, March 5 & March 12, 2025, 9-11am
Instructor: Maurissa Szilagi
Register & More Info on TIPS
Discipline Strategies: A Focus on Children with Trauma
Learn trauma-informed discipline strategies that help children regulate emotions, increase compliance, and improve listening skills.
Thursday, March 6, 2025, 6-7pm
Instructor: Anne Rodriguez
Register & More Info on Mindset & Confidence
True Colors
Identify the true colors of your resource family to better build understanding and stronger relationships.
Tuesday, March 11, 2025, 10:30-11:30am
Instructor: Dr. Judy Sullivan Osterhage
Register & More Info on True Colors
Mental Health Effects of Social Media
Learn about the mental health consequences of social media and how to protect your child.
Wednesday, March 12, 2025, 6-9pm (or attend part 1 only from 6-7:30pm)
Instructor: Lori Switanowski
Register & More Info on Social Media
Betrayal Trauma and Effects on Teen Relationships
Learn how to identify the effects of betrayal trauma, in order to address the impacts and increase healthy connection.
Tuesday, March 18, 2025, 6-8:30pm
Instructor: Dr. Judy Sullivan Osterhage
Register & More Info on Betrayal Trauma
Commercial Sexual Exploitation of Children (CSEC): Raising Awareness
Increase your awareness of the Commercial Sexual Exploitation of Children (CSEC) and gain an understanding as to why children in foster care are a target.
Wednesday, March 19, 2025, 6-8pm
Instructor: Carrie McAuliffe Sandoval
Register & More Info on CSEC 1
Understanding Trauma's Impact on Brain Development
Learn how early adversity affects a child’s brain development and behavior and how to parent in a trauma-informed manner that is well-receieved with your child from foster care.
Monday, March 24, 2025, 5:30-7pm
Instructor: Anne Rodriguez
Register & More Info on Trauma's Impact
Fostering Nourished Families
Tackle nutrition and feeding challenges in foster care by introducing and implementing new creative approaches that promote healthy mental well-being, physical health, and interpersonal family dynamics.
Wednesdays, March 26, April 2 & April 9, 2025, 6-8pm
Instructor: Renee Cervantez & Nora Hayes
Register & More Info on Nourished
Grandparents as Parents: Birth Parent Relationships and Visitations
Join us in this new series to connect with other kinship caregivers who may be experiencing the same challenges and experiences as you, and learn about specific services and connections you can be making in the community to help you and your kinship family thrive!
Last Thursday of the Month, March 27, 2025, 6-7:30pm
Instructor: Pam Lehtonen
Register & More Info on Grandparents as Parents
Clases en Español
¡Nos complace anunciar que tenemos de vuelta clases en persona y en línea! Si todavía no haz tomado una clase en línea, ¡no es demasiado tarde! Nuestro equipo está aquí para ayudarte aprender a usar Zoom y hasta puedes acompañarnos por teléfono si se te hace más fácil. Por favor revisa nuestra lista de clases en español. Todos los detalles de cada clase los recibirás en un correo electrónico después de cada registración.
Si tienes preguntas, puedes comunicarte conmigo, Clarissa Campos Alvarado, por llamada o texto al (805) 289-6133 o puedes envíarme un correo electrónico a clarissa_camposalva1@vcccd.edu
Lista de Clases En Español
En este momento no tenemos clases en español, por favor manténgase actualizado en este sitio web para las promixas clases o suscríbase a nuestros correos electrónicos.
Stay Up-To-Date | Mantengase Informado
Don't miss out on our trainings and events! Sign up for e-newsletter to receive our Monthly Newsletter and class announcements!
¡Nuestras clases han comenzado! Para recibir nuestro boletín mensual y anuncios de clases cuando se publiquen, puedes consultar aqui regularmente o suscríbase a nuestros correos electrónicos.
Office Closures | Nuestra Oficina estará cerrada:
December 24 - January 1: Holiday Break