Guided Pathways



What is Guided Pathways?


Pirate Ship Decorative
It is a multi-year state program designed to improve student completion. Students are provided with a set of clear and structured course-taking patterns as well as integrated student support services. The framework has four main dimensions, but at Ventura College we adopted SAIL acronym which relates better to our pirates by using a traditional theme.  Our four Guided Pathway dimensions are actually going to be Ventura College's 4 Educational Cardinal Points.  To better clarify the SAIL acronym we are providing you with this clearly defined explanation.
  1. S - Simplify the  Path  - Create clear curricular pathways to employment and further education.

  2. A - Assist with  Entry  - Help students choose and enter their pathway.

  3. I - Implement  Support-  Help students stay on the path.

  4. L - Learn - Ensure that learning is happening with intentional outcomes.

Additional General Information about Guided Pathways: